Written by John Franklin on August 4, 2017
I am going to show you the exact email marketing sequence we use to pre-sell hundreds of memberships before we open the doors of our gyms.
Written by John Franklin on April 14, 2017
I LOL every time I think about Ramit Sethi’s epic blog post about the Craigslist Penis Effect.

Before the days of Tinder and Bumble people would post dating ads on Craigslist.

Any woman that was brave enough to post in the “women seeking men” section of Craigslist would, without fail, receive dozens of dick pics in their inbox.
Written by  John Franklin on May 29, 2018
“But Cooper HATES lead generation, doesn’t he?”
We get that a lot. I teach retention first, then sales mastery (“Help First”), then Affinity Marketing. I do it this way because many entrepreneurs are too focused on the magical appearance of digital marketing, and they lose sight of the low-hanging fruit.